Sunday, 14 April 2013

Proud of my little boobies bra

I wasn't going to write another blog until I finished my thesis (well, the first draft anyway) but .... I made my own bra! ... and I wanted to share.

I like to joke that when I finish my MSc I'm going to start a company making bras for the not-so-well-endowed called "Proud of my Little Boobies Bras". Maybe PomLiBoB for short. I'm not even finished my degree yet and now I already have a prototype!

I imagine most women reading this, no matter what size or shape, will be able to relate to the difficulty of finding a bra that fits well. Those of us on the smaller end of the spectrum are no different. When I do find a bra in a store that fits me, they often have 1" of padding. No, that's not an exaggeration. I don't want to look bigger than I am, I just want a bra that will provide a teeny, tiny bit of support and stop my n--- (I don't want to get caught by the pornography filters by using the 'n' word in this blog so I'll use goatmilkinggirl code) - stop my teats from poking through a t-shirt.

My parents are some of my few readers and this may not be what my dad was hoping to read about, but his genes did contribute to my predicament.

I learned how to use a new stitch on my sewing machine while making this. It's a straight stitch that has some stretch to it for sewing elastic. The machine does two stitches forward then one back - which I was loving until it took me ages to rip a seam out. It's amazing how much the machine can do with cams (it's from the 70s and not electronic). In case Santa Claus is reading, a serger would also be useful and would add that professional touch.

So here's my bra. It's not pretty but I wanted something to wear under light-coloured t-shirts in the summer. Bra #2 will be prettier. I did find a black bra like this in the store and it was called a 'bralette'. I thought this was a new type of bra but it may just be a re-branded training bra. Oh well, whatever works.