Friday, 29 August 2014

There's something about babies

I had no idea how much attention a baby attracts! When we're out and about all sorts of people try to get a glimpse of the baby in her carrier. People have craned their necks going by on the sidewalk and nearly run into things in the grocery store trying to get a peek at the baby attached to the dangling legs. Many stop to ask about her: boy or girl? (I dress her in blue to cause confusion) how old? what's her name? This often starts a conversation, which is welcome in Vancouver where strangers are not usually friendly in passing. Sometimes these people are not those you would expect to be interested in a baby - reminder never to judge a book by its cover!

There's something about babies. Before I had my own, sure, I thought my friends' babies were cute, but I didn't take much notice of strangers' babies. I wasn't a baby person per se. Now that I have a baby I feel like I've joined a club, the club of parenthood, where baby people are honorary members. We've shared a common experience and when these other parents and grandparents see a baby they remember the babies in their lives, no matter how long ago those babies grew up. I have already caught myself doing this with a friend's newborn! Holding a baby must also make a person more approachable so strangers are more likely to stop and talk once the baby is spotted.

Before Helen was born I was always subconsciously on the lookout, but for dogs, not babies! I notice strangers' dogs, like to guess their breed, and plan my walks so they go by dog parks. I suppose this is how baby people are with babies.
Randy with a 10-day old bundle on Father's Day.
Me with a nearly 3-month old today.