Thursday 28 March 2013

What is a goatmilkinggirl?

Les chèvres me manque! (Translation: I miss goats!) That's what happens when you're a goatmilkinggirl stuck in the city.

I set up this blog in 2007 with the intention of writing about goatmilkinggirl's adventures in online dating but I decided instead to use old-fashioned email for my stories. Now here I am six years later (married) writing my first blog post. I'm finishing an MSc degree and busy writing my thesis so what better time to start a blog?!

I've loved animals as long as I can remember but my love affair with goats began in 2006 while spending several months milking goats in France. That's when I became the goatmilkinggirl. I returned home with strong wrists, one stitch in my buttocks (not goat related), new French vocabulary and a special spot in my heart for goats.

A short time later I moved from the small ski town where I had been living to the city in the hopes of getting a real job (in my field). The real job didn't exactly work out but here I am still in the city. How is that possible six years later? This city has been good for one thing at least: There's now another big, hairy mammal who has a special spot in my heart and it rivals the goats' in size!

goatmilkinggirl noun A female who is adept at milking goats (even though she may live in the city and may not have had quality goat time in ages).

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