Friday, 24 May 2013

Holiday Hangover

Randy and I are suffering from a holiday hangover now that we're back in the city and our view is of this:                                                instead of this:

The day after we arrived back from Maui was Randy's birthday - not a good day for a first day back in reality. Well, sort of back in reality. I went into school that morning, socialized at Friday morning doughnut and coffee-time, had a meeting about my thesis where I received my first set of reviews, then ... took off and went windsurfing in Squamish. (Good thing my supervisor doesn't read this.) Randy had been working from home and the wind was just too tempting on a sunny birthday afternoon. And of course I didn't want him to spend his birthday alone. But in Squamish I had to wrestle myself into my thick wetsuit to go in the cold, brownish water, and there were no turtles. I have a feeling I'm not getting any sympathy here...

The next day we just couldn't get motivated and didn't leave our apartment until 9 pm when we finally went out for a walk! The following week the hangover continued as we struggled to get into the swing of things at work and adjust to the time change. Still no sympathy?

Then in the middle of the week I got a migraine. How about a little bit of sympathy now? It wasn't a bad one - I get a visual migraine followed by a little bit of headache and nausea - but it knocked me out for the evening. I did manage to cook dinner that night (thought I should get that on record); we had mushrooms with sausage and gnocchi. I list the mushrooms first because they were the main ingredient. I meant to put some of them in the pan but I was distracted by not being able to see properly while I was chopping and managed to chop a whole bag of them. When I get a migraine everything in the centre of my vision looks pixelated and shifted around. During my first migraine I was only seeing in 2D! That was kind of neat. I was sitting on a bench outside during my lunch break watching people walk by and when they went behind a lamppost it looked like they were disappearing <poof> then reappearing on the other side. I was enjoying the show for a while then I started to get worried about what was wrong with me. Was I having a stroke? I went inside to google my symptoms, as you do when you think you're having a stroke, but I couldn't log into my computer because half of the screen was blank. What were the chances of my computer malfunctioning while I was having a stroke? Then I realized that I was just not aware of anything on my left side. With each migraine the fun, visual aura part seems to be decreasing and the pain and nausea increasing. Luckily I only get one or two a year.

The Friday of that first, long week back I went to school but forgot my computer at home. Some days that wouldn't be a big deal but my latest copy of my thesis was only on that computer so ... back home I went. (Note to self: back up files more often.) By that afternoon my productivity on my never-ending thesis had ground to a halt and my spirits were low. It was definitely time for a pick-me-up! No, not alcohol, something even better: cleaning while listening and singing along to Garth Brooks! I followed that up with some zumba in the living room (which I love - separate blog on that another day) and I was good to go. Randy came home from work while I was in the middle of a zumba dance - lucky for him the Garth Brooks was over.

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