Wednesday, 24 July 2013

Some goat time!

I got to spend some quality time with goats on our holiday! We visited the Blue Heron French Cheese Company in Tillamook, Oregon where I was excited to discover that they keep goats and sheep! I patiently waited until all the little kids had had enough, then I had the goats to myself. I knew just where this guy wanted to be scratched:

He also wanted food so I bought a little feed bag for $1. They're clever goats and they know how the system works: one distracted me while another one made a grab for the feed bag. My reflexes are quicker than a 5-year olds so I was able to foil the plan - the bag ripped but the feed didn't spill. I rewarded them with a big handful.

We had another animal encounter while camping on the coast. I had left my wet bathing suit on the picnic table overnight and I woke up to discover this:
A dirty suit. I admit I had the fleeting thought that someone (not naming names) might have dropped it on the ground and picked it up without wiping it off. But then I had a closer look and saw this:
A raccoon print. (It doesn't show up very well in the photo.) It must have been looking for food scraps on the table and just happened to prance all over my suit. I also got to pet a sea lion!
And now I'm back in our apartment in the city where the only other living things are the occasional spider and the house plants we have yet to kill.

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